At that time, I thought everything was going great for me. I get an extended weekend to relax and rest up. This is going to be great. Aviation Nation was that weekend; I love fighter jets and giant airplanes. Plus I could go to First Friday with my friends. (First Friday is an art fesitival held every first friday of each month. It is at night and I work nights. I hope you get it by now) Well if you read my blog about the accident you should remember I started it out talking about my sore throat. I thought I was ok. I get sore throats at least once a year, and they cause no problem. I suffer a few days, drink alot of hot tea, and then it is gone. I'm normal again. So I went to First Friday still having a sore throat, and for the most part I had a fun time. I had to go home early though. I was going to Avaiation Nation the next day, and the gates open early. But to my surpise I awoke the next morning with my throat swollen to the point that I could barely breathe. It was super sore. I felt miserable. I had to go to the doctor. I hate going to the doctor. They always make me feel inferior to their knowings of medical knowledge like I should know what they are talking about. Hey I didn't go to med school. Just fix me and shut up!
I was told that I had strep throat. Yipee! I was given a prescription and told to stay home for three to four days. So my four day weekend turned into a five day sick weekend. I stayed quaranteed to my room for most of it so I wouldn't infect my roommate.
It is not like I didn't get anything accomplished while I was at home alone for I had my Wii helping me recover.

I finally Defeated Ganon in the Legend of Zelda. I slightly remember this being a much bigger deal when I was a kid. This time......quite unsatisfying.

What the hell is this Second Quest crap?!
I also discovered a new comic.

Kick ass is totally kick ass! If you like to read comics, you must pick this one up. It is about a teen who decides he wants to be a superhero, so he tries it one day and totally gets his ass handed to him. Along with other things this comic rocks!! Go get it now!
So back to our story. I returned to work after five days at home. I had to return to work being on light duty. Light duty as a photojournalist sucks! I did alot of this.

Notice the lack of shaving. I didn't care. Sitting around at the tv station for 8 or so hour a day for a week really makes one chipper. I don't know what is worst. Doing nothing at home or doing nothing at work? Correction I did have few things to do at work.

Stop all the accident paperwork!! You know it is really hard to take a photo of paperwork frustration. Try it! I dare you!
Ok I getting close to finishing this. Everything brings us up to date....present tense. So at first this week looked promising. I was feeling better, and I hoping to get back to normal work duty soon. Well....there was a bit of a set back. It turns out the doctor I went to for my traffic accident isn't exactly covered by my company's workman's comp. So I was told to stop seeing that docotor, get all the paperwork from that doctor, and wait until they figured out the next step. Ok simple enough. But wait I tick. On Tuesday night I started to feel strange. I broke out with a full body rash. My face and ears felt like they were on fire. I was itching so much it must have looked like I had some sort of version of Tourrette's Syndrome.
So I had to leave work again. It turns out I was having an allergic reaction to the medication I was taking for the strep throat. Well that sucks! I just finished all of that prescription the day before. This couldn't have been discovered sooner? I was told by the doctor that it probably took a few days for work itself through my system. I was giving two painful shots in the ass (I hate needles!) and sent home with a note to take another day off.

Now I have more prescriptions to take. What if these cause new reactions? I wouldn't know I rarely ever have to take prescription drugs. Maybe it is because my birthday is coming signaling to me that my aging clock is striking. Or maybe it is all just a string of bad luck.
To end on an upper. I didn't waste the full day at home. I went to yet another doctor, but this one has cleared me to get going back to work. Horray for me!!!
Congratulations on completing the first (and only, in my book) quest in Zelda! Back then, they didn't care much for endings, even though most of the games were impossible to beat (without the aid of a lil fella named Game Genie). I once spent all day playing Rampage, and actually beat the damn thing. It said "Congratulations", then faded to black and restarted the game. Bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI just got off 2 months of light duty. I lost, regained, and re-lost my mind several times. It was ugly.
Hey Bionic Woman, shut yo face!
ReplyDeleteAhhhh! Go work a desk, soft paw.