The mayor of the L.V. wants to cleanup the downtown area. This is not a surprise. Downtown is filthy. Homeless, drunks, and drug addicts litter the streets. Goblins, dirt bags, and nightwalkers try to sell their services for less than fifty dollars. It's dark and creepy, even during the day. Only the bravest souls would even venture down there after the sun sets. The strangest thing, the area which I'm talking about is a only a few blocks from a very popular tourist and "family" attraction.
With all that said, how is the mayor planning to cleanup this neglected area?

Brand new old signs.

Yes, this is a brilliant plan. I have complete confidence that as soon as all these new old neon signs are up and turned on....all the filthy elements of downtown will simply disappear. There will be no more homeless men asking you to pet their giant rabbits. No more two dollars hookers offering three dollar hand jobs. No more free shootings with every illegal drug transaction.
You see the problem isn't that it is too dark. A few very bright neon signs are not going to turn everything around. The area sucks because there is nothing down there. All the store fronts are empty and smell like urine. Business don't want to move there. Why would they? It's just a bad enviroment.
The only good thing that will come of these new old signs, all the great pictures. As you can see I was pushing my luck. Taking pictures at dusk, so close to nightfall.
T.C.B., Baby!