It is indeed a rare event. Actual weather other than sunshine has come to the desert. Today in the afternoon, the sky darkened.....clouds built up....and it started to rain. Yes rain!
It is monsoonal season, and I couldn't be more excited. Don't get me wrong....I like the sunshine. I got a great tan. It's just after about ninety days of 110 + degree heat you get a little "burnt" out. I'm waiting for a change......any change.

As everything else in the L.V., change will have a price. Sure it is awesome to get a break in the heat. There's slight humidity in the air because it is still like 90 degrees. It will probably rain alittle, but not much rain is needed to cause flash flooding. You would think that ground would soak that rain right up. Wrong! The desert hates the rain. The ground doesn't soak up rain like most people think it does. It's the things living in the ground......namely plants. Not too much plant life in the desert. It would be a the desert if there was...right!

Still seeing giant clouds roll over the mountains is very cool. And the lighting! The lighting is AWESOME! It is fast, intense, frequent, and loud! Well actually the thunder is loud. But still it a cool sight. Total darkness, and then FLASH, FLASH, FLASH, FLASH.......BOOOOOM.
I'm hoping to get either getting some video or cool pictures of the lighting..........soon.
T.C.B., Baby!
I hear ya. I never thought I'd say this...but...I'd love to see some rain right now. All this gets to you after a while.