Ears ringing...heart pumping....voice lost.
One great thing about living in this beacon within the desert, alot of special events enjoy coming here. Especially concerts. I recently attended a concert of Ireland's finest.......Snow Patrol.
This show was awesome! Surprisingly, since I lived here, I have yet been to a show that isn't the groups' best possible performance. I am unsure if there is something in the water, or maybe it's all the excess oxygen pumped in by the big casinos. A show in the L.V. is always great!

For about a good two hours, this band rocked the roof off the house. Eventhough, I may have misplaced my professional camera, this adventurer was able to still grab a few shots with a slightly lesser grade camera.

Plus my friend Ken-G and I met four Irish girls. Now these weren't girls who were merely Irish, they were girls from Ireland. Though, they didn't like how I claimed to be Irish. "Are yee from Ireland?" they asked. "Well no", I responded. "The you're not Irish then are yee" Good point!
Regardless we all had a fun time together. It's just a pity that after the concert we couldn't have partied together longer. It was probably a dead end anyways, right.
T.C.B., Baby
Snow Patrol? Never heard of 'em. I'd rather see pics of the Irish girls. BTW...I thought you were Mexican. You half-breeds don't usually identify with your cracker side!