Dear Cousin Gobo,
Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I have been unable to reach a.....oh I can't lie. I was kidnapped! It was scary as hell. I don't want to tell you about it.
One day I was just walking down the road when an automobile with flashing lights approached me. I single man within the auto exited and with a very bright light in my eyes, he screamed at me repeatedly. I couldn't quite understand a word from him, so I move toward him asking what the problem was. With a flash, he squirted liquid into my eyes causing them to burn intensely. I fell to the ground with my hands in my eyes, and I was screaming with pain. The man grapped my hands, tied them behind my back, and threw me into the back of his automobile. Unable to see, I repeatedly demanded to know where he was taking me, but all I got for an answer was to "remain quiet, sir".
After what seemed like hours, the man pulled me out of the auto, sprayed my face with what tasted like milk, and then tossed me into the darkest cave I've ever been in. And in this cave were the ugliest, smelliest, nastiest creatures that you can imagine. These creatures were very interested in my arrival, because they all wanted to touch and grap and me. It took all my strength just to keep these creatures from taking my lucky pack. As the night fell I was very scared for my life. Falling asleep on the hard ground, and wondering what will attack me next. I believed that I wouldn't make it to see the morning.
Never the less, I did make it. I made it thoughout countless weeks when finally without notice I was released.
With the bright light of the sun burning my retinas, I thought about my whole captive experience, and I came to the conclusion that if I ever see an auto with flashing light appraoch me again, I will run as fast as I can for the safety of my life.
So after a short recovery, I am back on the horse. There is a lot to see and lots to mapout. Expect more letters in the coming weeks, for I'm eager to tell you more stories
Travelin' Miles
Peace Rally
Dear Cousin Gobo,
It is said that a single person's voice can change the world. I've had a chance to observe this action first hand.
One day, I was walking around looking for new adventures, when I heard a gathering of humans yelling and chanting on busy street ways. As I appoached, I discovered that my ears have tricked me. For there was only a few when it sounded like many.
These few were marching with signs, waving muli-colored flags, and yelling out to the passer-bys. I was curious about this strange event, and I made a mistake of asking one of them why they were all doing such things. Soon I was surrounded by people holding signs and flags, all who were screaming at me about wrong doings of names I have never heard of before. Chants like "No blood for oil" and "Peace" were very popular amongs theses people. They all claimed that they were testing the "Pro" of the actions of their clan leaders. I heard one say that their lives could be alot better only if the "Bush" wasn't in their office.
I suggested to them to try to add ferns or plants if they disliked bushes so. At this point the small group seemed to respond negitively toward me, so I decided it was time to leave.
I tried to politely part ways with this group, but they still wanted to tell me more about their strange ideals. The only escape was to run into the busy street way, where traffic was at full speed, but I gladly risked that danger to evade anymore annoyance.
Let me tell you cousin, try to steer clear of any groups waving signs in the air. If you want things to change it is better to make things happen instead of standing on the corner screaming at everyone walking pass. Anyways things could be alot worst...
Travelin' Miles
It is said that a single person's voice can change the world. I've had a chance to observe this action first hand.
One day, I was walking around looking for new adventures, when I heard a gathering of humans yelling and chanting on busy street ways. As I appoached, I discovered that my ears have tricked me. For there was only a few when it sounded like many.
These few were marching with signs, waving muli-colored flags, and yelling out to the passer-bys. I was curious about this strange event, and I made a mistake of asking one of them why they were all doing such things. Soon I was surrounded by people holding signs and flags, all who were screaming at me about wrong doings of names I have never heard of before. Chants like "No blood for oil" and "Peace" were very popular amongs theses people. They all claimed that they were testing the "Pro" of the actions of their clan leaders. I heard one say that their lives could be alot better only if the "Bush" wasn't in their office.
I suggested to them to try to add ferns or plants if they disliked bushes so. At this point the small group seemed to respond negitively toward me, so I decided it was time to leave.
I tried to politely part ways with this group, but they still wanted to tell me more about their strange ideals. The only escape was to run into the busy street way, where traffic was at full speed, but I gladly risked that danger to evade anymore annoyance.
Let me tell you cousin, try to steer clear of any groups waving signs in the air. If you want things to change it is better to make things happen instead of standing on the corner screaming at everyone walking pass. Anyways things could be alot worst...
Travelin' Miles
Tent City
Dear Cousin Gobo,
I've recently escaped the crazy fast paced life within the large colonies established throughout Outerspace. As you could imagine Outerspace is massive, and I have barely mapped a fraction of it. In search of new undiscovered areas, I ventured into the wild. The untamed lands of Outerspace are breathtaking, and the magnitude of the land makes one feel smaller than the littlest Doozer. There are also many new types of species that await cataloging; I am very excited.
Thinking that I was the only advernturer for miles around, to my surprise, I came across a very large colony unlike the others I have already seen. These people lived in tents and moble-caves instead of the above ground stone caverns that are very popular here. At first I thought these people were to be fellow adverturers like myself, but it seems that this was some type of festival gathering. The celebrators being very friendly invited me to stay with them for a few days. Naturally, I agreed.
This festival was continuously going. All laughed their cares, and danced the nights away; letting the music play. This festival was very fun. The days were hot, and the nights mild so drinking plenty of fluids was highly encouraged. At night many twinkling lights above our heads would appear. They were very beautiful and I couldn't help but to wonder that I could someday also reach these lights.
It turns out that those tents were not meant as their homes but rather as places to catch a quick nap to recharged energy for the festival. As if anyone could sleep, the sounds of the cheers never ended.
After a few days and plenty of new friends, I parted my ways with the tent city. After all, I still have alot of adventures to find. One suggestion to you cousin. If you ever come across any celebration such as this one, I recommend that you find yourself a watering pool and jump into it. For thousands of people laughing, playing, and sweating together has a very strong unpleasant odor.
Until next time, keep searching.
Travelin' Miles
I've recently escaped the crazy fast paced life within the large colonies established throughout Outerspace. As you could imagine Outerspace is massive, and I have barely mapped a fraction of it. In search of new undiscovered areas, I ventured into the wild. The untamed lands of Outerspace are breathtaking, and the magnitude of the land makes one feel smaller than the littlest Doozer. There are also many new types of species that await cataloging; I am very excited.
Thinking that I was the only advernturer for miles around, to my surprise, I came across a very large colony unlike the others I have already seen. These people lived in tents and moble-caves instead of the above ground stone caverns that are very popular here. At first I thought these people were to be fellow adverturers like myself, but it seems that this was some type of festival gathering. The celebrators being very friendly invited me to stay with them for a few days. Naturally, I agreed.
This festival was continuously going. All laughed their cares, and danced the nights away; letting the music play. This festival was very fun. The days were hot, and the nights mild so drinking plenty of fluids was highly encouraged. At night many twinkling lights above our heads would appear. They were very beautiful and I couldn't help but to wonder that I could someday also reach these lights.
It turns out that those tents were not meant as their homes but rather as places to catch a quick nap to recharged energy for the festival. As if anyone could sleep, the sounds of the cheers never ended.
After a few days and plenty of new friends, I parted my ways with the tent city. After all, I still have alot of adventures to find. One suggestion to you cousin. If you ever come across any celebration such as this one, I recommend that you find yourself a watering pool and jump into it. For thousands of people laughing, playing, and sweating together has a very strong unpleasant odor.
Until next time, keep searching.
Travelin' Miles
Lost Time
Dear Cousin Gobo,
Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. I've seemed to have lost a little time in the last couple days. I've bumped into a group of cheery fellows, I say cheery because they were always laughing and in high spirits. I never quite got what was so funny though.......anyways, They invited me what they called a "KEY-GRRR". I had no idea what that was, so I was intrigued. They brought me to a dwelling that emitted bright colored lights and large amount of noise, I believe it is called "MusiK". Inside the dwelling, hundreds of people were moving to and fro with strange cups of blue and red in hand. I was given one of these strange cups and was told to "Pound It, Man". It was a bitter tasting drink and very frofty, but after a few cups it tasted better and better with every sip. I too became very cheery, and all the loud noises and bright lights soon just blended away.
I awoke to water spraying all over my body in middle of a green field. I have no idea why or how I got there. I had a strange feeling of pain all over my body especially in my head.
Although the end result was quite tormenting, I have a wierd feeling that that will not be my last Key-Grr.
Travelin' Miles
Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile. I've seemed to have lost a little time in the last couple days. I've bumped into a group of cheery fellows, I say cheery because they were always laughing and in high spirits. I never quite got what was so funny though.......anyways, They invited me what they called a "KEY-GRRR". I had no idea what that was, so I was intrigued. They brought me to a dwelling that emitted bright colored lights and large amount of noise, I believe it is called "MusiK". Inside the dwelling, hundreds of people were moving to and fro with strange cups of blue and red in hand. I was given one of these strange cups and was told to "Pound It, Man". It was a bitter tasting drink and very frofty, but after a few cups it tasted better and better with every sip. I too became very cheery, and all the loud noises and bright lights soon just blended away.
I awoke to water spraying all over my body in middle of a green field. I have no idea why or how I got there. I had a strange feeling of pain all over my body especially in my head.
Although the end result was quite tormenting, I have a wierd feeling that that will not be my last Key-Grr.
Travelin' Miles
Freedom in Action
Dear Cousin Gobo,
I recently stumbled across a group of people who were making a documentary of some sort. I am unsure what the entire thing was about, but I was in need of some pocket change. I've discovered that being an adventurer has an ever climbing cost. So I took a part time job as a crew member of this production. All are very stange but enjoyable people and it seems that spending more time at one location could be beneficial for me. On to more adventuring!!
Travelin' Miles
I recently stumbled across a group of people who were making a documentary of some sort. I am unsure what the entire thing was about, but I was in need of some pocket change. I've discovered that being an adventurer has an ever climbing cost. So I took a part time job as a crew member of this production. All are very stange but enjoyable people and it seems that spending more time at one location could be beneficial for me. On to more adventuring!!
Travelin' Miles
Dear Cousin Gobo,
It's unbelieveable, my first adventure into Outerspace and I'm almost blown to smitherines. I stumbled upon these pyromaniacs who seem eager to loose a limb or two.

They attempted to ignite rockets into the night sky to glaze at their brillant colors. It looked very dangerous......and FUN.

Fire in the Sky was not enough for this lunatic

Eventhough I nearly suffered from severe burning, the event was enjoyable
Travelin' Miles
It's unbelieveable, my first adventure into Outerspace and I'm almost blown to smitherines. I stumbled upon these pyromaniacs who seem eager to loose a limb or two.

They attempted to ignite rockets into the night sky to glaze at their brillant colors. It looked very dangerous......and FUN.

Fire in the Sky was not enough for this lunatic

Eventhough I nearly suffered from severe burning, the event was enjoyable
Travelin' Miles
I'm off
Dear Cousin Gobo,
I've decided that today is the day. I am finally crossing the theshold and will venture into the unknown. I'm going to do what we both have always dreamed about doing our entire childhood. I will explore and map the vast Outerspace. Don't worry about me cousin, I'll be very careful. I have absolute confidence in my mapping ability, and I'm certain that my years of training will come in hand. Be on the lookout for letters in the mail for I will be sending you updates of my adventures. Until we see each other again, remember to always keep exploring.
Travelin' Miles
I've decided that today is the day. I am finally crossing the theshold and will venture into the unknown. I'm going to do what we both have always dreamed about doing our entire childhood. I will explore and map the vast Outerspace. Don't worry about me cousin, I'll be very careful. I have absolute confidence in my mapping ability, and I'm certain that my years of training will come in hand. Be on the lookout for letters in the mail for I will be sending you updates of my adventures. Until we see each other again, remember to always keep exploring.
Travelin' Miles
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