4.4 - Iron Sheik Roast

The Iron Sheik is a legendary pro wrestler whom has become infamous for his crazy rants. So naturally we had to go to his comedic roast.
4.5 - Lady Liberty

Took the Staten Island Ferry to get a view of the Statue of Liberty
4.6 - Veliciraptor

This skeleton could tear the flesh right off your bones!!
4.7 - Wrestle Mania 29

The whole reason for the trip was to attend my 4th Wrestle Mania in a row. This event was the biggest and best of all the ones I've been. The set was amazing! Even if my view was obstructed by a pillar.
4.8 - NYC Stop Light

A very iconic sight on the streets of New York City
4.9 - 30 Rock

Where's Tracy Jordan?!
4.10 - Ah Central Park

Taking a wonderful stroll through Central Park on a warm sunny day.
Now, I took over a thousand photographs while I was on my trip, so be prepared to see a lot more photos from NYC. One thing I regretted about the last photo of a day project was I would take some wonderful photographs, but only post one from that day. Well, this time I've decided to use this opportunity to show off more of my photography from this trip. I hope you'll enjoy seeing much more from NYC for the next few weeks
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