After the last few weeks I had, I am in need of some time for myself to get re-adjusted. Middle of last week, I awoke to discover some hooligans broke a window out of my work vehicle. The thieves took only the stuff I needed to do my job properly: a camera tripod, a light kit, and a box of various cables.

These things are useless to anyone who doesn't shot video professionally. I have no idea why someone, other than a meth-head looking for quick cash, would steal this stuff. So I had to deal with police reports, serial numbers, annoyed supervisors, and a voilated self-esteam. Eventhough my chief kept telling me it wasn't my fault, in a way I thought it was. I was emotionally distraught. Then...

I was told I was working my last weekend shift. Yeah! When I was I told you ask? How about on Monday. Yes, I was called on my day off and told my new shift started that day. So I guess I'm going to work ten straight now. The shitty part was I didn't get to tell my reporter/friend that I wasn' t going to be working with him anymore until Friday. Damn
So after a week of dealing with some new paranoia and another week of work with out any days off, I'm alittle drained. I couldn't think of a single event that could refill my spirits, reignite my upbeat energy. Until...

I saw this. Now I'm not much of a fan of musicals. But...

this one stars The Danza! Yes that's right, Who's the Boss? star Tony Danza is probably the only one with the power to cheer me up. I don't know, there's just something about envisioning Tony Danza singing and dancing that makes me laugh. I'll keep you updated when I go to the show.
T.C.B., Baby!