
10.27 - Jack O' Lantern

Fancy to see you here Jack!

10.27 - Jack O' Lantern

Halloween Jack O' Lantern 2013 version

7 Day Wrap Up

I've been lazy. I let my project get behind. Here is my attempt to not make that a problem.

10.20 - Original Discman

10.21 - Battista's

10.22 - Street Shade

10.23 - Lambo

10.24 - Gourd Pickin'

10.25 - Desert Fall

10.26 - Suite Party

Be ready for another get post coming very soon


10.19 - Haunted Cementary

Here is a picture from the greatest Halloween party in LV. Running strong for 7 years!

10.19 - Haunted Cementary


10.18 - Wide. Super Wide

Show up for work. Get a new camera. Ok!

Here is a view of my new wide, wide, wide lens.

10.18 - Wide Power

10.18 - Wide Power

And while working out in the field as a photojournalist, you gotta be careful.

10.17 - Wire Watching

10.17 - Wire Watching


10.16 - Bright Balloon

Today I was gonna take a ride in a hot air balloon. I jumped in the basket. The balloon lifted off the ground about two feet. Then the basket moved forward and tipped over sideways. The balloon operator tried to get the balloon to move the opposite direction. The basket then turned back upright, and then tipped over the other direction. I turns out the wind as picking up and the balloon could not be controlled properly in the air.

10.16 - Bright Balloon

The ballon operator gave me his card so I can go up some other time. It was a shame because it was a beautiful sunny day.


10.15 - Humidify-Cat

At the ABC Kids Expo you can find all kinds of products for your babies and kids. I had no idea what most of the products even did.

This one was a cool humidifier.

10.15 - Humidify-Cat


10.14 - Mi Amor

This post is for my love. This is for our Future Days.

10.14 - Mi Amor

I know I have been slacking, but there are some new photos to view over on my Flickr site. Go Look!

Here is a small preview

10.13 - Aged Beef

10.12 - Let it Spin


10.8 - Dress Classy

Dan has taken his classy Gangnam Style to Dallas. We wish him the best of luck.

10.8 - Dress Classy

Dance cheesy my friend. Dance cheesy.


Look and See

10.5 - Pirate Eyes

This was my favorite photograph from the previous night's going away party.

10.5 - Pirate Eyes

10.6 - Stripes Prevail

Bengals win again today. So my vintage shirt from the 90s made an appearance

10.6 - Stripes Prevail


10.4 - Adios Dan

I met Dan and James 7 years ago. Over that time we've become great friends. You could say best friends.

10.4 - Adios Dan

Now Dan (middle) is starting a new chapter in his life. He is moving to Dallas, Texas, where he has accepted a new job and career. I will miss my friend. We've had some amazingly fun times together. This is not goodbye, because I am positive I will see him again. I will visit him for sure.

Until then, Adios Dan!



10.3 - Faux Wolvie

Step right up! Get your photo taking with a dude who looks like some dude that acts like another dude.

10.1 - Faux Wolvie

This guy was at the LV Comics Expo, and for a small fee you could take a superhero photograph with him on a green screen. He sorta looked like Hugh Jackman.